Castle Miranda / Château de Noisy

 This location had been on my bucket list for a couple of years. 
I came to with Roswell Ivory  to shoot for Orchid Corsetry
More about that here. 
 We were warned off on our first attempt, but we succeeded the next day. Although no one was happy about meeting in the hotel lobby at 5am it was defiantly worth it. 

 A fairy tale castle, Castle Miranda, aka Château de Noisy stands abandoned and crumbling on large hill in near the Belgium / France border. Built between 1855 and 1866 by English architect Edward Milner, under the instructions of the Liedekerke-Beaufort family The castle began life as a summer home but was then claimed by German troop during WW2, at the battle of the Bulge. After the war the Belgian National Railway Company used the building as a school and holiday home for the children of the Belgian railway employees, until the late 1970′s. closing its doors in 1991 reportedly due to the heavy financial burden of the upkeep and maintenance.  The Count and owner of the property then decided to dismantle a lot of the remaining fixtures, living it to decay and vandalism.